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[只看PO]No.52291678 - 无标题 - 小马

•When you're rife with devastation.There's a simple explanation
•You're a toymaker's creation,trapped inside a crystal ball

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无标题 无名氏 2022-09-27(二)18:10:31 ID:l5nZdD7 [举报] [订阅] [返回主串] No.52291678 [回应] 管理
"Sunny, this is urgent. I need two number 9’s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra hay, a number 7, 2 number 45’s, one with cheese and a large soda. I’m with you (in your arteries)."
无标题 无名氏 2022-09-27(二)18:11:17 ID:l5nZdD7 (PO主) [举报] No.52291692 管理

4chan老哥搞的好活,xswl・゚( ノヮ´ )
