【NO264 - 240815】
不过那句话说得好,如果什么东西非蠢即坏,那么大概率是蠢。换言之,保镖们吃“白饭”可能未必,但根据当年肯尼迪身边唯一一位黑人保镖Abraham Bolden的说法:
“Word got out that there was a buffet with food a few blocks from the hotel. In fact, local journalists had kept the Fort Worth Press Club open so that visiting White House reporters could go and grab a bite. And just after midnight, nine of the 28 agents in the presidential detail walked over, in search of food. There was none. Even so, the agents stayed around for Scotch and Sodas, cigarettes, and a few cans of beer. Two of the agents then headed back to their rooms; seven continued on.”
虽然这的确是他的一家之言,但肯尼迪团队的其他保镖,如Gerald Blaine也抱怨过因为人手不足而睡眠不足的问题。甚至另外一名保镖John Norris直接在公开采访中说肯尼迪中弹时除了两人以外其他保镖“根本没动”。所以这件事可能还真的要保镖背锅。