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No.63740290 - 无标题 - 规则怪谈

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【NEW】 * 禁止任何对政治的隐喻及暗讽行为。

无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)18:20:30 ID:wZXCx5X [举报] [订阅] [只看PO] No.63740290 [回应] 管理
如有不妥,欢迎肥哥们指出!|∀` )
Tips 无名氏 2099-01-01 00:00:01 ID:Tips超级公民 [举报] No.9999999 管理
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)18:21:44 ID:ZYvsY3J [举报] No.63740303 管理
既l既然原作者允许二创,那就发呀发呀|∀` )想看想看
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)18:23:59 ID:ZYvsY3J [举报] No.63740326 管理
草,打字打快了变成叠词词了( ゚∀。)7
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)18:51:35 ID:RCZlm5K [举报] No.63740606 管理
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)18:56:32 ID:u1lY8mb [举报] No.63740655 管理
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)19:15:18 ID:wZXCx5X (PO主) [举报] No.63740848 管理
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)19:17:11 ID:wZXCx5X (PO主) [举报] No.63740867 管理
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)19:40:34 ID:93PkTzb [举报] No.63741130 管理
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)20:03:30 ID:wZXCx5X (PO主) [举报] No.63741384 管理
The First Guide.

■■ City Zoological Gardens Code of Conduct for Visitors

Dear Guests,
We hope you and your family enjoy your visit to the province’s largest Zoological Gardens, housing most of the world’s animals, providing suitable environments for each of them!
When visiting the zoo, please follow the included guidance to ensure your safety. You will be considered responsible for any safety issues caused as a consequence of not doing so.

1.There are no issues with the park’s security measures, and there s no possibility of animals escaping their enclosures, especially small herbivores, which are kept in enclosed environments, where they cannot be touched, or interacted with. Therefore, if you see an escaped rabbit by the path, move yourself, and your family to a safe distance, and alert a member of staff. Do not approach, or touch the rabbit, especially if it makes eye contact and moves towards you at high speed.

2.Ape Avenue has a single path, through a display of only Apes and Monkeys. If you find yourself in an area with two paths and many types of animals, including rabbits, please stay on the left hand path and finish your visit as quickly as possible.

3.Elephants are Huge creatures with large, fan like ears, long trunks, and thick, pillar like legs. They are not White. Please make sure you see elephants, and only elephants, at the Elephant Enclosure.

4.The Zoo’s Drinks kiosks do not sell ‘Rabbit blood’. If you see any containers labelled Rabbit Blood at the kiosk, do not purchase them.

5.Do not stay alone in the shade of the Rabbit Garden

6.There is no Oceanarium at the Zoological Gardens. If a member of staff offers you a ticket for the Oceanarium, refuse politely.

7.If you have seen the Oceanarium, please leave immediately and call the phone number on the Zoo map, and inform them as soon as possible.

8.Do not feed the rabbits. The other animals are fine to feed.
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)20:41:40 ID:wZXCx5X (PO主) [举报] No.63741822 管理
as coming from another guest, please detach the perforated portion of the Zoo map, and holding it tightly, leave the Zoological Gardens. Do not let the paper go until you are completely clear of the Zoological Gardens.

10.If you have acted in contradiction to any of these guidelines, and find yourself disorientated, or separated from your party, please head to the nearest drinks kiosk within fifteen minutes, and inform the vendor in blue overalls of the situation. (Please note, If you see a vendor in black overalls, do not acknowledge their presence, no matter what they say to you.) They will escort you to an employee’s path in the Lion Den. Do not be afraid, as the lions will not harm you, and simply stay hidden behind the rocky outcrops until all the white lions start roaring, and the Staff member (Please Note, they must be wearing blue) will escort you out of the Lion Den, and reunite you with any friends or family. At this point, please leave the Zoological Gardens as soon as possible.

11. The Lion Den is home to four white lions. If you are involved in the situation described in guideline 10 and see more than four white lions. Inform the staff member, and wait until the number of white lions returns to four

12. You may purchase soft toys of any animal, including rabbits for children aged 12 and under. It is requested that any rabbit toys bought for children 13-17 are discarded within one calendar month. Rabbit toys must not be purchased for anyone over the age of 18.

13. Anyone wearing rabbit ear hairband or clothing is seen attempting to enter the Elephant Enclosure, they will be asked to remove them, or immediately leave the Zoological Gardens. The park accepts no responsibility regarding your safety if this guideline is violated.

14. The Lion Den is safe. If you are involved in any incident in which you feel in danger, and are unable to resolve, please head to the Lion Den as quickly, and by any route, possible.

15. Please show caution towards any friends, or party members, from whom you have been separated on multiple occasions, especially if they repeatedly urge you to visit the Elephant Enclosure, or the Oceanarium.

By adhering to these guidelines, you are guaranteeing a pleasant visit to The Zoological gardens, and both you, and your family will enjoy hours of education and entertainment. Follow the guidelines, and have fun with all your family and friends!
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)20:42:14 ID:IPskXMH [举报] No.63741828 管理
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)20:45:38 ID:wZXCx5X (PO主) [举报] No.63741857 管理
今天先这么多,小肥要去写作业了,学生肥仔泪目( ;´д`)
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-11(三)20:57:09 ID:RCZlm5K [举报] No.63741996 管理
长耳兔兔象啊。。。。那玩意某种意义上算是我的心理阴影了( ´_ゝ`)

之前看二创的时候就被这个设定给狠狠的吓过一次 以至于后续每次看到相关的图必一定要过一轮san check( ゚∀。)
🇬🇧肥肥翻译了动物园规则怪谈 无名氏 2024-09-13(五)12:58:32 ID:wZXCx5X (PO主) [举报] No.63757906 管理
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-13(五)13:39:23 ID:wZXCx5X (PO主) [举报] No.63758284 管理
等晚上下课更新第二章|∀` )明天还要上课,哭泣
规则二 员工守则 无名氏 2024-09-14(六)10:56:51 ID:wZXCx5X (PO主) [举报] No.63767931 管理
The Second Guide.

Zoological Gardens Employee Handbook.

We offer an excellent package of employee benefits. Ten times base pay rate for overtime, A large amount of annual leave, and full insurance coverage for all employees. We hope that you will do your best in return, to ensure your own safety, by following this handbook. Life is precious, and only comes to us once, so, for the sake of your family, please protect yourself, and study these rules.

a. If you see an escaped rabbit by the path, Do not attempt to approach or catch the animal yourself. Instead, lead them to the Lion Den, and allow the white lions to do their part.

b. Ape Avenue has a single path through it’s displays. If a guest reports seeing two paths, and exhibits including rabbits, Lead them out of the exhibit using the left hand path and close the Ape Avenue entrance. Once all guests have left the exhibit, cordon Ape Avenue off for a minimum of ten minutes.

c. While inspecting the Elephant Enclosure, If you notice that the elephant you are observing does not match the image of an elephant on the enclosure sign, avert your eyes from the animal, and repeat to yourself that Elephants are supposed to look like the one on the sign, not like the one in the enclosure.

d. Employees stationed at Drinks Kiosks should check the shelves hourly for anything labelled “Rabbit’s Blood”. Any product thus labelled should be removed immediately and stored appropriately.

e. The Shrubbery surrounding the Rabbit Garden should be trimmed every other month to reduce excess shade.

f. There is no Oceanarium in the Zoological Gardens. If a colleague mentions the presence of an Oceanarium, or tries to suggest it exists, cease all communication immediately. That person is no longer the colleague that you knew.

g. If you see the Oceanarium, do not enter. Tell yourself you have not seen the Oceanarium, and leave.

h. The feeding schedule for the rabbits is once every 7 days. Do not feed them any snacks, or anything other than the prescribed foodstuffs.

i. If you hear laughter whilst at the Rabbit Garden, that cannot be identified as coming from one of the guests, detach the last page of the employee handbook along the perforated line, and holding it tightly, head to the Elephant Enclosure, and throw into the enclosure’s grassed area. Other staff will be aware of the situation, and will not chastise you for littering.

j. If A guest approaches you, claiming to have become separated from his party, or otherwise having broken the visitors code of conduct, Immediately lead them to the Lion Den. The staff in that exhibit will know how to process the guest. You may during these incidents encounter colleagues in black overalls who try to engage with you. Do not acknowledge them. These are not your colleagues.

k. We have a total of four white lions. If you suddenly see more than four white lions. Brandish the ‘Rabbits Blood’ at them, and pour it out over the first white lion that rushes you, and leave immediately. Do not seek out additional lions.

l. Do not hoard/organise/stock/use rabbit themed toys or apparel. Do not touch any Rabbit paraphanalia that appear in the zoological gardens. If a guest attempt to buy a rabbit themed item, enquire and confirm the recipient is under the age of 18, otherwise do not complete the transaction.

J. If you spot a person wearing Rabbit paraphanalia enter the Elephant Enclosure, and are unable to stop them, immediately disperse any guests in the vicinity and cordon the entrance until you hear children screaming inside the exhibit.

k. Tinitus/ a tightness in the chest/ migrane/ redness of the eyes for a period within five minutes is normal, and is no cause for concern. If these symptoms persist for longer than ten minutes, stop your work, and head to the Lion Den as quickly, and by any route, possible.

l. Act in a friendly manner to the white lions. There is no need to be defensive around these creatures whilst there are only four of them. They have been hand reared from birth to be comfortable in human company.If you are unfortunate enough to be attacked by a white lion during their normal state, without immediately dying, disregard handbook rules f and g. There is no need to seek hospital attention, as you will not die. Instead, enter the Oceanarium, which you will find quickly. Do not be alarmed that you are now wearing black overalls.
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-14(六)10:57:34 ID:erLoRqE [举报] No.63767946 管理
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-14(六)23:53:22 ID:2WG5vQe [举报] No.63776112 管理
希望能麻烦po贴一些老外的反应来,十分好奇。(`ε´ )
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-16(一)12:28:43 ID:wZXCx5X (PO主) [举报] No.63789253 管理
🇬🇧肥哥现在还在推理阶段中,目前他在坚定地怀疑海洋馆不是啥好东西2333也因此也坚定怀疑全文中存在不少恶意误导规则( ´ー`)
收起 查看大图 向左旋转 向右旋转
无标题 无名氏 2024-09-16(一)12:39:59 ID:wZXCx5X (PO主) [举报] No.63789344 管理
